Related help for "payments"

Recording collections and payments for third parties 

You can quickly an easily record collections or payments for third parties without having to search through journal entries or invoices. You can simply look up the required third party and record the collection or payment directly from this screen. This process creates the required journal entry and performs the necessary matching based on your

Recording prepayments 

Recording payments that happen before the creation of the invoice they are related to, is possible in several ways in Sage Active, depending on the legislation. Each legislation uses a prepayment ledger account. However, they differ in which amount is recorded on this account. This is either the taxable amount or the amount including taxes.

Practical example recording prepayments: German legislation 

Sage Active allows you to easily record all journal entries related to advanced payments that took place before the creation of the invoice they are related to. These prepayments can be recorded for collections from your customers as well as for payments owed to your suppliers. In this article you will find a practical example

Practical example recording prepayments: French legislation 

Sage Active allows you to easily record all journal entries related to advanced payments that took place before the creation of the invoice they are related to. These prepayments can be recorded for collections from your customers as well as for payments owed to your suppliers. In this article you will find a practical example

Practical example recording prepayments: Spanish legislation 

Sage Active allows you to easily record all journal entries related to advanced payments that took place before the creation of the invoice they are related to. These prepayments can be recorded for collections from your customers as well as for payments owed to your suppliers. In this article you will find a practical example

Recording collections and payments for sales and purchase invoices 

When you have recorded sales or purchase invoices that you submitted to your customers or received from your suppliers, you can easily record the collections or payments for these invoices. The process for collections and payments is very similar and only differs in the name of the screen elements. Both are described in the steps

Automating the payment terms 

When handling the reception of payments from your customers or when paying your own suppliers, you will need to set different terms and conditions for these payments. The payment terms make it possible to record all necessary the payment conditionsand to link them to third parties in order to automate the entry of payments.

Matching entries 

The matching function allows you to associate movements in opposite directions. You can thus associate invoices and credit notes, invoices and payments, invoices and deposits. To do this, Access the Account matching Third party or General accounts (Accounting > Account matching > By third party or By ledger account)…

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