A journal entry must be recorded in the accounting journal which corresponds to the types of the entry (sales, purchases, payments, bank, cash, etc.) and for a defined period.
Recording journal entries must be distinguished from the creation of a sales document (quote, invoice, etc.). In addition to recording general financial information, the sales document also involves inputting specific transaction details, such as items, quantities, discounts, etc.
Recording a journal entry consists of:
- Creating the accounting document;
- Entering the VAT included line in which you select a third party account – a third party can be created during the entry;
- Entering the line without VAT.
If the entries are optimised, the VAT line will be automatically created and completed. - If necessary, entering the VAT line if the entries are not optimised.
The procedure below corresponds to purchases and sales entries.
- Access the Journal entries.
Accounting > Journal entries
- Create the accounting document ( ).
- If you are using the German legislation, you can enter a Session that you have previously created.
This is not necessary for French and Spanish legislations. - Select the journal related to the entry type (purchases, sales, etc.).
- Select a date.
- Add ( ) the third party line with the VAT included amount. Use the Tab key to move from one zone to another.
- Add (
Display the Invoice details panel as needed to verify the consistency of the VAT. The VAT listed in the Tax details is included in the tax returns.
) the line with the taxable amount.
- Save.
The journal entries are registered and automatically receive a document number.
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