
Activating Cash VAT for purchases 

When adding suppliers, depending on the type of activity of the latter, you can configure the type of VAT that will be taken into account when performing entries. Third parties > Suppliers…

Activating Cash VAT 

The VAT scheme of your business depends on your activity, you must configure it when creating your business and it will be taken into account automatically when performing entries.

Activating Cash VAT for sales 

When registering your business and depending on its type of activity, you can configure the type of VAT that will be automatically taken into account when performing entries. Settings > Business – Business management…

Recalculating a VAT return 

If you haven’t submitted your VAT return yet, you can recalculate it to take into account changes that were made after the creation of the VAT return (like new journal entries, for example). The VAT return can only be recalculated when it has the status Ready. To recalculate the VAT return: Access the Tax forms.

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