Related help for "payments"

Consulting bank reconciliation 

Bank reconciliation verifies that the data on your bank statement matches your recorded journal entries. This verification process ensures the accuracy of recorded transactions and makes it possible to identify errors and omissions. Bank reconciliation is not the same concept as matching. Matching makes it possible to combine movements in opposite directions. For example, matching

Advice for importing third parties 

To import data into Sage Active, review the following instructions and information. Respect the file structure. Do not delete the first three lines of the CSV file: Line 1: This header line contains the titles of the data that needs to be included. Asterisks indicate that it is mandatory to include this data in the

Consulting third party deadlines 

To consult the (paid or partially paid) open items of third parties, use the Deadline for payment by third party (Reports > Third-party reports – Deadline for payment by third party)…

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