Advice for importing third parties

To import data into Sage Active, review the following instructions and information.

  1. Respect the file structure.
    Do not delete the first three lines of the CSV file:

      • Line 1: This header line contains the titles of the data that needs to be included.
        Asterisks indicate that it is mandatory to include this data in the file.
      • Line 2: This line contains the translations from line 1 in square brackets.
      • Line 3: This line displays examples of entries in the CSV file.
  2. Copy or enter your data starting at line 4.
    • If mandatory data is missing or incorrect, the third party will not be imported.
    • If data exceeds the maximum length, it will be imported and truncated to the maximum length.
    • If you are modifying exported data from an accounting or business management application through Excel, do not use a comma as a decimal separator because this can not not be imported. You will need to use a period for the decimal separator to be correctly imported.

The data that you can include in an import is presented below. To navigate between sections of this page more efficiently, follow the links in the What is on this page section on the right hand side of the page.

Third-party type

Title: Third Party Type

Mandatory: Yes

Format / max. length: Numeric


Type Corresponding value Example
For a customer, enter 1.


Third-party code

Title: Code

Mandatory: Yes

Format / max. length: 17 alphanumeric characters

Business name

Title: Business name

Mandatory: Yes

Format / max. length: 70 alphanumeric characters

Trade name

Title: Trade name

Mandatory: Yes

Format / max. length: 70 alphanumeric characters


Title: Country

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 2 alphabetical characters (ISO Alpha-2 code)

Identification type

Title: Identification Type

Mandatory: Yes for Spanish legislation

Format / max. length: 1 numeric


The values ​​are optional and depend on legislation.

Spanish legislation

Type Corresponding value Example
Official document issued by the country of residence
Residence certificate
Other supporting documents
For passport, enter 3.


The identification type will be filled in automatically according to the rules below:

  • If the country code is ES → IDType = NIF/DNI/NIE
  • If the country code is a VIES code → IDType = NIF/IVA
  • If the country code is different from a VIES code or ES code → IDType = Documento oficial emitido por el país de residencia, Certificado de residencia or Otro documento probatorio. The default value is Otro documento probatorio.


The EU VAT number will be added to the system only if the identification type is NIF/DNI/NIE (1). The rules for adding the data to this field are as follows:

  • If IdType = NIF/DNI/NIE: Editable; on creation: does not show a message if changed; when editing (leaving the field): shows the confirmation message. This field does not have a concatenation of Country + IdNum. It’s a free text.
  • If IdType = NIF/IVA → Country + Identification number
  • If IdType = Pasaporte, Documento oficial emitido por el país de residencia, Certificado de residencia or Otro documento probatorio → No value is inserted.

French legislation

Type Corresponding value
Other supporting documents


The identification type will be filled in automatically according to the rules below:

  • If the country code is FR → IDType = SIRET
  • If the country code is a VIES code → IDType = EU VAT number
  • If the country code is different from a VIES code or FR code → IDType = Another supporting document


The EU VAT number will be added to the system only if the identification type is SIRET. If the identification type is SIRET, the EU intra-community VAT number will be imported. The rules for adding data to this field are as follows:

  • If IdType = SIRET → Value from the csv file, if provided. If the type of identification is a SIRET and the EU VAT number is not filled in the file, no value will be inserted.
  • If IdType = EU VAT number → Country + Identification number.
  • If IdType = Another supporting document → No value will be inserted.

German legislation

Type Corresponding value
Other supporting documents


The identification type will be filled in automatically according to the rules below:

  • If the country code is DE → IDType = Steuer-IdN
  • If the country code is a VIES code → IDType = USt-IdNr
  • If the country code is different from a VIES code or DE code → IDType = Other supporting document


If the identification type is Steuer-IdNr, the EU VAT number is imported into Sage Active. The rules for adding data to this field are as follows:

  • If IdType = Steuer-IdNr → The value from the csv file, if provided. If the identification type is Steuernummer and the EU VAT number is not provided in the file, no value will be inserted.
  • If IdType = USt-IdNr → Country + Identification number.
  • If IdType = Another supporting document → No value will be inserted.


Identification number

Title: Identification number

Mandatory depending on legislation:

    • France: No
    • Germany: No
    • Spain: Yes


Format / max. length: Alphanumeric

Ledger account

Title: Ledger account

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: Alphanumeric

Purchase account

Title: Purchase account

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: Alphanumeric

Tax treatment

Title: Tax treatment

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 1 numeric


This field is only used for the Spanish legislation. Informing a value here automatically activates Personal income tax.

Type Corresponding value
Profesional de nuevo inicio
Arrendamiento o subarrendamento de bienes inmuebles urbanos

EU VAT number

Title: EU VAT Number

Mandatory: Yes for Spanish and German legislation as well as for third parties from EU countries.

Format / max. length: 25 alphanumeric characters

Economic activity code

Title: NAF or APE code

The names of the economic activity code are different depending on the legislation:

  • France: NAF or APE code
  • Germany: Industry sector
  • Spain: CNAE code


Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 50 alphanumeric characters

Cash VAT

Title: Cash VAT

Mandatory: No
Only applicable to suppliers under the French legislation.


ON or OFF.

Equivalence Surcharge

Title: Equivalence surcharge

Mandatory: No
Only applicable to Spanish legislation.


ON or OFF.

Address name

Title: Address name

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphanumeric characters

The Address name is used as the Main address in Sage Active.

Address line

Title: Address line

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 70 alphanumeric characters


Title: Address country

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 2 alphabetical characters (ISO Alpha-2 code)

Postal code

Title: Zip code

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 20 alphanumeric characters


Title: City

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphabetical characters


Title: Province

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphabetical characters

Contact title

Title: Courtesy

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 1 numeric character


Type Corresponding value Example
For miss, enter 2.

Contact first name

Title: Contact name

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphanumeric characters

Contact last name

Title: Contact surname

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphanumeric characters

Contact job

Title: Contact job title

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphanumeric characters

Contact job area

Title: Contact job area

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 35 alphanumeric characters

If the job area is not available in Sage Active, the third party is created without it.

Contact phone number

Title: Phone number

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 20 alphanumeric characters

Contact phone number type

Title: Phone number type

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 1 numeric character


Type Corresponding value Example
For mobile, enter 3.

Contact e-mail

Title: Email

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 100 alphanumeric characters

Contact e-mail type

Title: Email type

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 1 numeric character


Type Corresponding value Example
For an e-mail address for payments, enter 3.

Website or social network name

Title: Web or social networks name

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 30 alphanumeric characters

Website or social network link

Title: Web or social networks

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 70 alphanumeric characters

Payment type

Title: Payment type

Mandatory: Yes, if payment terms are added

Format / max. length: 1 numeric character


Type Corresponding value Example
Remaining amount
For a percentage, enter 2.


Payment terms: only one instalment is imported
If a third party has payment terms spread over multiple instalments (such as payments in 3 instalments), only one instalment will be imported. Therefore, it is essential to check the payment terms of each imported third party and complete them where necessary by adding instalments.


Title: Value


  • Yes. If 2 is filled in for Percentage, enter 100 which corresponds to 100%.
  • No. If 4 is filled in for Remaining amount, do not enter anything.

Format / max. length: 3 numeric characters

Days after invoice date

Title: Days from invoice issue date

Mandatory: Yes, if payment terms are added

Format / max. length: 2 numeric characters

Payment days

Title: Payment days

Mandatory: No


Several days can be specified in the import file by using the “|” character (AltGr + 6) to separate values ​​from 1 to 30 days.
Enter 99 for the Last day of the month value.

Payment method

Title: Payment method

Mandatory: No


Only enter payment methods that are present in Sage Active in the import file.


Title: Comments

Mandatory: No

Format / max. length: 2000 alphanumeric characters


Title: Disabled

Mandatory: No


ON or OFF.

Inactive date

Title: Disabled date

Mandatory: Yes, if Inactive is ON.


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