Matching entries

The matching function allows you to associate movements in opposite directions in order to check, for example, the correct payment of invoices. You can therefore match between invoices and payments but also invoices and credit notes, invoices and deposits, etc.

Matched movements are identified by:

  • Capital letters
    The balance of the matched movements is zero;
  • Lowercase letters
    The balance of the matched movements is not zero.

On the other hand, the unmatching function allows you to unmatch movements that you have previously matched.

Matching is possible over two unclosed accounting years. You can, for example, match a payment entry received in year N with a sale entry entered in year N-1.

Matching does not require any bank reconciliation operation.

Simple matching of entries

  1. Access Account matching via Third party or Ledger accounts.

    Accounting > Account matching > By third party or By ledger account

  2. Select a Third party or an Account.
  3. Display the Unmatched lines (Status list).
    The unmatched entries are displayed in the table.
  4. Select ( ) the items to match.
    The selection of entries automatically updates the amount of the Difference.

    Due dates / Matching
    You need to enter the entries for a third party in a purchase or sales journal to take into account the payment terms negotiated with the third party. The payment due dates will be generated automatically. It will be then possible to match the entry when the payments are received.
  5. Match the entries (Match).
    When the Difference is not equal to zero, a screen appears allowing you to select the open items and the Amount paid you want to assign to them. This lets you to distribute the paid amount correctly between the open items.

The application automatically increments the Matching letter in alphabetical order.
The letter representing the matching will be in upper or lower case depending on the balance of the matched entries. Upper case represents a zero balance and lower case a non-zero balance (with difference).

Matching an entry with pre-matched entries

You want to add a payment to already pre-matched entries, identified by a lowercase letter. In this case:

  1. Select ( ) all the documents that you want to match: the partially matched documents and the last payment.
  2. Match the entries.

All entries take the same matching letter (uppercase or lowercase depending on the balance).

Matching an entry with already matched entries

You want to add an entry to entries that have already been matched. The balance of the matching is zero and a capital letter identifies this matching.

  1. Unmatch the previously matched entries.
    You can select a single entry of the matching to unmatch all the entries that are part of this matching.
  2. Select all the entries you want to match.
  3. Match the entries.

The new matching is identified by a lowercase letter.

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