Recording payments for sales and purchase invoices

When you have recorded sales or purchase invoices that you submitted to your customers or received from your suppliers, you can easily record the payments for these invoices.

The process for sales and purchases is very similar. Both are described in the steps below.

The invoice you want to record the payment for is posted.

To record payments for sales or purchase invoices:

  1. Access the invoices list:

    Sales > Sales invoices

    Purchase invoices

  2. Edit the posted invoice that you want to record a payment for (  ).
  3. Open the Record payment screen (Record payment).
  4. Modify or choose the Payment date, Bank or cash account and the Amount to record.
  5. If the third party’s Payment terms state that payment can take place in multiple instalments, you need to select one or more Open items that the payment settles.
    By default the oldest open item will be selected.
    When the Amount to record is greater than that of a single open item, additional open items will automatically be selected until the Amount to record is reached.
    When you manually select multiple open items , the Amount to record will automatically update to propose the total of the amounts for these open items.
  6. You can add a Journal entry description to easily identify the journal entry for this payment.
  7. Confirm.

The process automatically creates the necessary journal entry and performs the matching.

When the third party pays their invoice in multiple instalments, you need to repeat the payment procedure until the invoice is fully paid.

Once the invoice is fully paid, this is indicated by a message in the header of the invoice and you can no longer record payments.


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