Recording journal entries

A journal entry must be recorded in the accounting journal which corresponds to the types of the entry (sales, purchases, payments, bank, cash, etc.) and for a defined period.

Recording journal entries must be distinguished from the creation of a sales document (quote, invoice, etc.). In addition to recording general financial information, the sales document also involves inputting specific transaction details, such as items, quantities, discounts, etc.


You already have a chart of accounts, accounting journals and tax rates. These default elements can nevertheless be changed to optimise and facilitate your entries in general.

Recording a journal entry consists of:

  • Creating the accounting document;
  • Entering the VAT included line in which you select a third party account – a third party can be created during the entry;
  • Entering the line without VAT.
    If the entries are optimised, the VAT line will be automatically created and completed.
  • If necessary, entering the VAT line if the entries are not optimised.
Entry principle
  • To make sure that all automatic functions are used during entry, use the Tab key to move from one zone to another.
  • If you made a mistake, it’s better to erase the line ( ) and restart it to keep using all automatic functions.

The procedure below corresponds to purchases and sales entries.

  1. Access the Journal entries.

    Accounting > Journal entries

  2. Create the accounting document ( +Create).
  3. If you are using the German legislation, you can enter a Session that you have previously created.
    This is not necessary for French and Spanish legislations.
  4. Select the journal related to the entry type (purchases, sales, etc.).
  5. Select a date.
  6. Add (+Create) the third party line with the VAT included amount. Use the Tab key to move from one zone to another.
    Third-party ledger account
    If your third party is correctly configured, you can just select it in the second column to make it’s ledger account appear automatically in the first column.
  7. Add (+Create) the line with the taxable amount.
    Automatic VAT line
    If the entry process is optimised, the VAT line will appear automatically with the correct amount.

    Display the Invoice details panel as needed to verify the consistency of the VAT. The VAT listed in the Tax details is included in the tax returns.

  8. Save.

The journal entries are registered and automatically receive a document number.

Additional information depending on the journal entry type and legislation is available in the panels below the entry lines. The information in these panels will be partly completed during the recording of the entry but will only be finalised after saving the entry.

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