Indicating a quote is declined and adding the reason for refusal

You can indicate that a quote is declined and add the reason why to have a better understanding of your sales processes.


The status of the quote is Pending.

To indicate a quote is declined and add a reason for refusal:

  1. Access the list of sales quotes.

     Sales > Sales quotes

  2. Edit the quote that you want to mark as declined (  ).
  3. Indicate that the quote is declined ( Mark as declined ).
  4. Enter the Reason why the quote was declined if you have this information and accept.
    This reason will be added to the Internal notes in the Notes tab and shown in the quote’s header as long as the status remains Declined.

You cannot modify a quote once it is declined. You can still delete (  ) the quote or open (  ) it from the list to perform further tasks such as printing.

Undoing Declined status
You can undo the Declined status ( Mark as pending ) . The reason for refusal is kept in the Internal notes, but no longer shows in the header of the quote.

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