Showing sales invoices due in 7 days and sending reminders

You can easily see a list of your sales invoices due in the next 7 days using Copilot Insights.

To see your sales invoices due in the next 7 days:

  1. Open the Dashboard or Sales invoices list.

    Sales > Sales invoices

  2. Open the Copilot screen (Insights).
  3. Choose the prompt View invoices due in next 7 days.

Copilot generates an overview of your sales invoices and a list of the 5 sales invoices with the highest amount.

You can select the invoice number to navigate directly to the chosen invoice. When there are more than 5 overdue sales invoices, you can select View all overdue sales invoices to open a filtered list of the overdue invoices directly in Sage Active.

The prompt Send X reminders opens up a screen that allows you to send a customisable email reminder (with or without a PDF copy of the invoice attached) to each of your customers. You can remove specific invoices from the reminder list by selecting the icon  .  


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