

Managing advance payment invoices 

When creating sales documents like quotes, orders, or delivery notes, you can request an advance payment from your customer. Sage Active streamlines this process by allowing you to easily formalise the advance payment through an advance payment invoice, directly based on the current sales document. Managing your advance payment invoice involves several steps: Create the

Using units of measurement with your products or services 

Adding Units of measurement to your products or services allows you to better reflect the quantities that your business uses and create more specific and accurate sales documents. In Sage Active, you can adjust the unit of measurement and unit price for the relevant product or service. Each unit has a predefined number of decimals

Checking the payment status of an invoice 

You can quickly view the payment status of your sales and purchase invoices thanks to the payment tracking indicator present in your invoice lists and each individual invoice. Prerequisites The invoices need to be posted to show the payment information. To check to payment status of a sales or purchase invoice: Open the invoice list

Using DOM VAT rates in sales documents 

When you trade with the overseas departments of France you can set up your products and services and customers to easily navigate to complexities that come with the different VAT rates involved. Prerequisites The option VAT rates for overseas departments (DOM) is activated in the Sales and purchases settings. Optionally the Product tax group in the Sales

Managing Cash VAT for sales documents 

While recording sales documents, Sage Active will by default propose the same cash VAT settings as set up in the Legal obligations tab of the Business management settings. You can however choose this setting on a per document basis if you need to. To manage the cash VAT setting when creating a sales document: Create

Showing the most recent sales invoices for a customer 

While checking a customer’s information or sales invoices, you can easily view the 3 most recent sales invoices for the customer using Copilot Insights. To see the most recent invoices for a customer: Open the customer’s information or a sales invoice. Third parties > Customers Sales > Sales invoices Open the Copilot screen (Copilot Insights).

Showing quotes over 7 days old and sending reminders 

You can easily see a list of your pending quotes over 7 days old using Copilot Insights. To see your quotes over 7 days old: Open the Dashboard or Sales quotes list. Dashboard Sales > Sales quotes Open the Copilot screen (Copilot Insights). Choose the prompt View quotes over 7 days old if you have

Showing sales invoices due in 7 days and sending reminders 

You can easily see a list of your sales invoices due in the next 7 days using Copilot Insights. To see your sales invoices due in the next 7 days: Open the Dashboard or Sales invoices list. Dashboard Sales > Sales invoices Open the Copilot screen (Copilot Insights). Choose the prompt View invoices due in

Showing overdue sales invoices and sending reminders 

You can easily see a list of your overdue sales invoices using Copilot Insights. To see your overdue sales invoices: Open the Dashboard or Sales invoices list. Dashboard Sales > Sales invoices Open the Copilot screen (Copilot Insights). Choose the prompt View overdue sales invoices. Copilot generates an overview of your overdue sales invoices and

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