Using units of measurement with your products or services

Adding Units of measurement to your products or services allows you to better reflect the quantities that your business uses and create more specific and accurate sales documents.

In Sage Active, you can adjust the unit of measurement and unit price for the relevant product or service. Each unit has a predefined number of decimals that you can use when entering a Quantity in a sales document. Based on the Quantity and the Unit price the Taxable amount is automatically calculated.

    For product X the Unit of measurement is Kg. The unit Price (Sales prices and discounts tab) is 100,00 €.

When creating a sales document with this product and entering Quantity 0,65 the Taxable amount will show 65,00 €.

To manage the units of measurement that are available for your products and services:

  1. Open the Products and services settings.

    Settings > Products and services settings

  2. Personalise the grid to choose which units are Active and the Category they apply to: Products, Services or Products and services.
  3. Select the default units used when creating new Products or Services.
  4. Update the settings.

You can now add a Unit of measurement to newly created products or services as well as existing ones, by simply selecting the chosen unit from the list. The price of 1 unit is indicated as the Price in the Sales prices and discounts tab.

Once you have set up your product or service with a Unit of measurement, you cannot change that unit.

When creating sales documents, you can use a number of decimals for the Quantity equal to the number of Decimals defined in the grid in your Products and services settings.

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