Troubleshooting technical issues

If you are experiencing technical difficulties such as a frozen screen, inability to scroll, or general slowness, please make sure your system meets the recommended technical prerequisites for optimal use of Sage Active.

Operating System / browser

Operating System Browser Compatibility
Windows Chrome Yes
  Edge Yes
Mac OS Chrome Yes
  Edge Yes
  Safari Limited*
iPadOS Safari Limited*
Android Chrome Limited*


*Limited compatibility

The dashboard on the home page is fixed and does not scroll on some systems. To display all information on this screen when using an Apple operating system, modify the zoom value or use the Chrome browser.

Devices and display size

Sage Active is designed for use on desktop computers, laptops, or tablets with the following specifications:

  • Minimum screen size: 12 inches.
  • Recommended screen size: 15 inches.


Sage Active can be used on medium or small-sized tablets or smartphones, but display quality may be compromised.

Screen resolution

The recommended resolution for Sage Active is Full HD 1920×1080.

Sage Active can operate on screens with lower resolutions, but display quality may be compromised.


A stable internet connection with a minimum speed of 10 Mbps is recommended for smooth use of Sage Active.

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