To import third party’s in Sage Active, you need to enter your data in the import template or a file that follows the same structure. This article helps ensure that you input the data in the format required to reduce the potential for errors.
Before entering any data, you need to ensure your file includes the exact columns and first three rows of information from the import template. These rows provide the following:
- Line 1: Contains the titles of the data that needs to be included.
Asterisks indicate that it is mandatory to include this data in the file. - Line 2: Contains the translations from line 1 in square brackets.
- Line 3: Contains examples of correctly formatted entries in the CSV file.
When you’re ready, you can start entering your data on line 4, where each line that you enter represents a single customer, supplier or employee. The data that you can include in an import is presented below. To navigate between sections of this page more efficiently, follow the links in the What is on this page section on the right hand side of the page.
Third party type
Mandatory: Yes
Format: Enter a number from the values table.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Customer Supplier Employee |
1 2 3 |
For a customer, enter 1. |
Mandatory: Yes
Format: A unique code up to 17 alphanumeric characters to identify your third party in Sage Active.
Business or person name
Mandatory: Yes
Format: The third party’s name up to 70 alphanumeric characters.
Trade name
Mandatory: No
Format: The third party’s registered trade name up to 70 alphanumeric characters.
Mandatory: No
Format: The ISO Alpha-2 code for the third party’s country of operation entered as 2 alphabetical characters.
If this field is left blank, the country is automatically set to Spain.
Identification type
Only applicable for third parties in non-European countries.
Mandatory: No
Format: The supplied identification document for non-European third parties. Enter a number from the values table.
If this field is left blank, Sage Active will use the value “Other supporting documents”.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Passport Official document issued by the country of residence Residence certificate Other supporting documents |
3 4 5 6 |
For passport, enter 3. |
Identification number
Mandatory: Yes, if the country is Spain.
Format: The third party’s alphanumeric identification number. If the country is Spain, you need to enter a valid NIF/DNI/NIE code.
Ledger account
Mandatory: No
Format: The alphanumeric ledger account code used for the third party.
If this field is left blank, Sage Active will use the default ledger account set in your ‘Accounting configuration’. This only applies to customers and suppliers.
Purchase account
Only applicable to suppliers.
Mandatory: No
Format: The alphanumeric purchase ledger account code used for purchases from this third party.
Personal income tax treatment
Only applicable for third party’s you need to add personal income tax for.
Mandatory: No
Format: The tax treatment for personal income tax assigned to a third party. Enter a number from the values table.
Type | Corresponding value |
General Profesional de nuevo inicio Arrendamiento o subarrendamento de bienes inmuebles urbanos |
1 2 3 |
EU VAT number
Mandatory: Yes, for intracommunity third parties.
Format: The third party’s EU VAT number up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
CNAE code
Mandatory: No
Format: The third party’s CNAE code up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Cash VAT
This value is not applicable for Spanish legislation. Leave this column blank.
Equivalence Surcharge
Only applicable for Spanish customers.
Mandatory: No
Values: ON or OFF.
Address line
Mandatory: No
Format: The third party’s address line up to 70 alphanumeric characters.
Address country
Mandatory: No
Format: The ISO Alpha-2 code for the country of the third party’s registered address entered as 2 alphabetical characters.
If this field is left blank, the country is automatically set to Spain.
Postal code
Mandatory: No
Format: The postal code of the third party’s registered address up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Mandatory: No
Format: The city of the third party’s registered address up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Mandatory: No
Format: The province of the third party’s registered address up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Mandatory: No
Format: The title of the third party’s main contact. Enter a number from the values table.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Mr Miss Not specified |
1 2 3 |
For miss, enter 2. |
Contact first name
Mandatory: No
Format: The first name of the third party’s main contact up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Contact last name
Mandatory: No
Format: The last name of the third party’s main contact up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Contact job title
Mandatory: No
Format: The job title of the third party’s main contact up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Contact job area
Mandatory: No
Format: The job area of the third party’s main contact up to 35 alphanumeric characters.
Contact phone number
Mandatory: No
Format: The phone number of the third party’s main contact up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
Contact phone number type
Mandatory: No
Format: The communication medium of the third party’s main contact. Enter a number from the value table.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Landline Mobile Fax Skype |
2 3 4 5 6 |
For mobile, enter 3. |
Contact email
Mandatory: No
Format: The email address of the third party’s main contact up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
Contact email type
Mandatory: No
Format: The email category of the third party’s main contact. Enter a number from the value table.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Invoices Payments Other |
2 3 4 |
For an e-mail address for payments, enter 3. |
Contact website name
Mandatory: No
Format: The website name for the third party’s main contact up to 30 alphanumeric characters.
Contact website link
Mandatory: No
Format: The website link for the third party’s main contact up to 70 alphanumeric characters.
Payment type
Only applicable if you’re importing payment terms for the third party.
Mandatory: Yes, if payment terms are added.
Format: The conditions for payment terms used for this third party. Enter a number from the value table.
Type | Corresponding value | Example |
Percentage Remaining amount |
2 4 |
For a percentage, enter 2. |
Mandatory: Yes, if payment terms are added.
Format: If 2 is filled in for the Payment type, enter 100. If 4 is filled in, do not enter anything.
Days after invoice date
Mandatory: Yes, if payment terms are added.
Format: The number of days after the invoice date that the payment is due up to 10 numeric characters.
Payment days
Mandatory: No
Values: The day or days of the month that the payment is requested. Several days can be specified in the import file by using the “|” character to separate values from 1 to 30 days.
Enter 99 for the Last day of the month value.
Payment method
Mandatory: No
Format: The payment method used in the payment terms.
Values: Only enter payment methods that are present in Sage Active in the import file.
Mandatory: No
Format: Notes or comments for the third party up to 2000 alphanumeric characters.
Mandatory: No
Values: ON or OFF.
Inactive date
Mandatory: Yes, if Inactive is ON.
Format: The date that the third party is set as inactive in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
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