Log in using 2-factor authentication (2FA)

Follow the steps in this guide to log into Sage products with 2FA enabled.

This guide is for users that have already set up 2FA. If you have not set up 2FA yet, read how to set up 2-factor authentication.

  1. Visit the Sage login portal (opens in a new tab).
  2. Select the Sage product you want to log in to.
  3. Enter your email address and password and select Log in.
  4. Verify that it’s you logging in. Enter the 6-digit code sent to your chosen authentication method from when you set up 2-factor authentication (2FA).
    • If you’re using an authenticator app, open your the authenticator app to view the 6-digit code
      The app will not send you a notification automatically; you must open the app to see your code.
    • If you’re using text, you will receive a new text message to your registered number with your 6-digit code
    • If you’re using a call, you will receive a phone call to your registered number. Answer the call to hear your 6-digit code
  5. Choose Remind me on this device for 30 days to avoid re-entering your verification code.
    If you clear your browser’s cache and cookies, you’ll need to input the code again.

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