Setting up discount groups for products and services

Discount groups enable you to create personalised lists of products or services and assign discounts to these products and services based on the quantity that a customer purchases from you. Discount groups run for a specified period of time and can be assigned to individual customers.

The original Discount percentage set for the product or service will not be overwritten. Discount groups only influence the Discount value proposed in the Products and services tab for sales documents.

To set up a discount group:

  1. Access the Discount group.

    Products and services > Prices and discounts > Discount groups

  2. Create a discount group.
  3. Enter a Code and a Discount group description.
  4. Choose a Start date and optionally an End date to define the active period.
  5. Add a product or service to the discount group.
  6. Choose a Product/service code.
  7. Determine the Discount percentage.
    Discount by quantity
    You can fine-tune the discount by editing ( ) the line and adding (AddSections.
    Each section line allows you to specify a number of units (as a range starting from Minimum units to Maximum units) and the discount percentage associated with that number of units.
  8. Add additional products or services to the discount group if needed.
  9. Save the discount group (Create).

When completed, the discount group can be assigned to a customer. To do this, navigate to the Sales terms and conditions tab in the relevant customer screen. This will make sure that this discount group is used by default in each sales document for this customer.

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