Connecting an account to a bank

Connect an account to a bank to retrieve bank transactions and record them without a manual entry.

You have previously created a bank account.
  1. Access Bank accounts and cash.

    Bank accounts and cash

  2. Connect the account you wish to synchronize.
    The window to Connect your bank account appears.
  3. Select the bank.
    A strong authentication method secures access to the bank and guarantees that the person who connects to the bank data is authorized to do so. To identify yourself, you will use an authentication method that differs from one bank to another.
  4. Let the wizard guide you to the step for selecting the sync dates for downloading account statements.
  5. Select the start date for synchronizing transactions.
    The sync date usually corresponds to transactions for the last 30 days.

    Some banks allow you to download transactions from the last 90 days only.
  6. Proceed through the steps until you close the wizard and return to the Bank accounts and cash screen.
    The ledger account is now connected to the bank.
  7. Download the banking transactions for the first time (Sync).

You can process the transactions you just synchronized (View transactions).

Automatic synchronizations are carried out every day in order to recover banking transactions.

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