Checking the payment or collection status of an invoice

You can quickly view the payment or collection status of your sales and purchase invoices thanks to the payment tracking indicator present in your invoice lists and each individual invoice.

The invoices need to be posted to show the payment or collection information.

To check to payment or collection status of a sales or purchase invoice:

  1. Open the invoice list or an individual invoice.

    Sales > Sales invoices

    Purchase invoices

  2. Check the indicator in the top left hand corner. 
    The following are possible:

        • Awaiting payment or awaiting collection: No payment or collection is recorded and the due date is not yet exceeded.
        • Partially paid or Partially collected: The payment or collection is made in a single instalment and only partial payment or collection has been made. Alternatively, the payment or collection is made in multiple instalments and previous instalments were paid or collected. In both of these cases, the due date for the current instalment is not yet exceeded. 
        • Overdue: No payment or collection is recorded and the due date is exceeded. 
        • Partially overdue: The payment or collection is made in a single instalment and only partial payment or collection has been made. Alternatively, the payment or collection is made in multiple instalments and the previous instalment was paid or collected. In both of these cases, the due date for the current instalment is exceeded. 
        • Paid or Collected: The invoice is completely paid or collected.

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