Showing overdue purchase invoices

You can easily see a list of your overdue purchase invoices using Copilot Insights.

To see your overdue purchase invoices:

  1. Open the Dashboard or Purchase invoices list.

    Purchase invoices

  2. Open the Copilot screen (Copilot Insights).
  3. Choose the prompt View overdue purchase invoices.

Copilot generates an overview of your overdue purchase invoices and a list of the 5 overdue invoices with the highest amount.

Partially overdue
Invoices have the status Partially overdue in the following circumstances. The payment is made in a single instalment and only partial payment has been made. Alternatively, the payment is made in multiple instalments and the previous instalment was paid. In both of these cases, the due date for the current instalment is exceeded. 

You can select the invoice number to navigate directly to the chosen invoice. When there are more than 5 overdue purchase invoices, you can select View all overdue purchase invoices to open a filtered list of the overdue invoices directly in Sage Active.

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