Attaching documents to products and services

Attach documents to existing products and services to add more information, images of the product, manuals and so on.

Authorised document formats are:

  • PDF
  • Word (doc, docx, rtf, etc.)
  • Excel (xslx, xls, xlsm, slk, csv, etc.)
  • PowerPoint (ppt)
  • Outlook message
  • Archive (zip)
  • Text (txt)
  • Image (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, svg, tif, tiff, psd, heic, heif, etc.)
  • XML


Empty files
Empty files, without any information or content, cannot be attached to products and services.
Private browsing / cookies
To avoid errors when loading documents in a private browser, authorise the cookie.

To attach a document:

  1. Access the products and services list.

    Products and services > Products and services

  2. Edit the chosen entry ( ).
  3. Select the option to View or attach files.
  4. In the window that appears, add a document by dragging and dropping.
  5. Add a Title, the Date and if needed a Description.
  6. Add the document.

To see the documents that you have attached, select  View or attach files again.

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