Updating payment details

To manage your payment details, you must log in as the business owner or have relevant permissions to manage subscriptions.

  1. Select your business name in the upper right-hand corner and then select Manage business account.
  2. Select Payment and billing details on the left to review your payment details.
  3. To change payment details, select Edit payment details.
  4. If you choose Card Payment, be sure to have these details ready:
    • Card holder name
    • Card number and CVV
    • Billing address for the card
    • Contact number of the person who manages your business’ finances
  5. If you choose SEPA Direct Debit, be sure to have these details ready:
    • Account name
    • Account number
    • Bank code
    • First and last name of the person who manages your business’ finances
  6. After you’ve edited these details, select Save.
  7. Choose Back to product to return to your product.

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