Rapidly modifying an entry

When an entry is incorrect, you have the option to quickly edit it without having to delete it entirely. This means that you can access the journal entry, select the entry that you want to modify, optionally remove an incorrect line, and balance the entry as suggested by the application.

Matched entries
You cannot modify a matched entry. You need to unmatch any entries that you want to modify.

To quickly modify an entry:

  1. Access the journal entries.

     Accounting > Journal entries

  2. Find the entry to modify.
  3. Edit the entry to modify ( ).
  4. Delete/add a line or modify the amount of an existing line.
    The entry is no longer balanced. The difference is shown in the zone Balance.

    If you want to make changes outside of the journal entry lines (such as Tax details) or legislation specific changes, you need to open the specific panel located under the journal entry lines.

    Balance the entry (Balance).
    The calculation of the balance is based on the first line of the entry.

  5. Validate the changes (Update).

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