Performing a month-end closing: French legislation

In Sage Active, you can perform a month-end closing process to close one or more selected periods and prevent any further changes to journal entries within those periods.

The month-end closing process is irreversible. Once you have closed a month, you will not be able to modify, delete or add entries to journals for this period.

To close one or more selected months:

  1. Access the Month-end closing.

    Accounting > Closing > Month-end closing

  2. Select the open months that you want to close.
    Status ‘Not available’
    • To close the last month of the fiscal year, you need to perform the year-end closing process instead of the Month-end closing.
    • You cannot close the current month or any months following it.

    Months that you cannot close do not have a checkbox in front of their name and have the status Not available. These month are considered open.

  3. Close the selected months and confirm the warning message.

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