Using an official chart of accounts

To quickly start working in Sage Active, you can use an official chart of accounts for the legislation you are working under. Using an official chart of account will also complete one or more default ledger accounts in the Accounting configuration, depending on the chart of accounts that is used. It is also possible to import a custom chart of accounts in the application via an Excel template or add accounts individually.

Using an official chart of accounts
Setting up this chart of accounts is only possible when the chart of accounts for your business is completely empty.

To use an official chart of accounts:

  1. Access the chart of accounts.

     Settings > Accounting – Chart of accounts

  2. Select that you want to use an official chart of accounts for your legislation (Use official chart of accounts).
  3. Select the specific chart of accounts that you want to use from the list.
    French and Spanish legislation only
    You can additionally enter a default account length for your subaccounts. As standard, this value will be taken from the account length field in Accounting configuration. Changing this value will modify the value in Accounting configuration.
  4. Apply your selection (Confirm).

Your chart of accounts is now ready to use. 

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