Generating the balance sheet

To know the financial situation of your business, consult the balance sheet. You will obtain a statement of the assets on a given date, which can be established for a fiscal year or for a shorter period in the case of an intermediate balance sheet.
Intermediate balance sheets can be essential for banks (credit application) but also for businesses that are going through economic instability in order to quickly adapt their strategy.

To generate the balance sheet:

  1. Access the Balance sheet.

    Reports and exports > Financial reports – Balance sheet

  2. Choose a period (Fiscal year / Date).
  3. If necessary, show Only lines with amount.
    This limits the number of rows to only those rows that have a non-zero amount.
  4. Generate the balance sheet.
The amounts in the balance sheet are derived from the ledger accounts. Specific rules embedded in the report determine which ledger accounts contribute to each section of the balance sheet.
Ledger accounts for which no rules are defined appear in the Unidentified accounts tab. This can be the case for manually created or imported ledger accounts. 

The balance sheet is generated and is presented in two parts: the Liabilities and the Assets.

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