Exporting journal entries

Export journal entries to a file in FEC format to send them to your accountant. You can perform this export any time you need. It does not invoke the year-end closing process or any related actions.

Although the format of this file is similar to the FEC format, it is neither the provisional journal entries file nor the journal entries file generated at the end of the financial year.
These last two files are the ones you must send to the DGFiP in the event of an inspection.
  1. Access Export journal entries.

    Reports and exports > Exports – Export to tax consultant

  2. Select a date range.
  3. Generate the file.
    A message informs you of the creation of the file.
    The list of journal entries exports displays an additional line.
  4. View the file ( ).
  5. Download the file ( ).

The text file (.txt) is saved by default in the Downloads folder. It is this file that you send to your accountant.

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