Extending the length of your ledger accounts: Spanish legislation

You can extend the length of the subaccount codes in your chart of accounts if this is required for your business needs.

This process is irreversible
Once you extend the length of your subaccount codes, you cannot decrease them again.

To extend a subaccount:

  1. Access your Accounting configuration.

    Settings > Accounting – Accounting configuration

  2. Extend the length of your subaccounts (Extend subaccount length).
  3. Enter the New subaccount length that you want to use for your subaccounts.
    This value cannot exceed 13 digits.
  4. Select your autocomplete preferences:
    • Extend subaccounts by inserting 0s at the end: 0s will be added at the end of your subaccount code until the New subaccount length is reached.
    • Extend subaccounts by inserting 0s at a specified position: 0s will be added after a specified position in your subaccount code.
      For example, if you enter a Current subaccount length of 8, a New subaccount length of 12 and Specify a position of 6, all subaccounts of length 8 are extended as follows: 12345678 becomes 123456000078.
  5. Select the checkbox to confirm the warning message.
  6. Confirm the extension of your subaccounts (Extend subaccount length).

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