Exporting information for the tax auditor

When the tax auditor asks you to provide them with an export of your accounting information, you can easily provide these files through the GoBD export in Sage Active.

  • The City where your business is located is included in the address information in your Business management settings under the Information tab.
  • The GoBD export notes field in the Legal obligations tab of your Business management settings contains the note you want to share with the tax authorities.
If these prerequisites are not met, a message informing you about these prerequisites appears when you open the export screen.

To perform the GoBD export:

  1. Access Export to tax auditor.

    Reports and exports > Exports – Export to tax auditor

  2. Select the Fiscal years to export.
  3. Generate the export ( Generate ).
  4. Confirm the explanation message that appears.

The amount of time needed for the export to complete depends greatly on the number of entries, third parties and such in your business, as explained in the message you confirmed.

When the column Status in the grid is Generated, you can download a zip file containing all of the necessary export files through the  icon at the end of the row for your export. 

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